Student Accommodation Coordinators


Students who wish to request alterations, changes, or modifications to any Harvard policy, practice or procedure (i.e. to request reasonable accommodations), should contact their school's Local Disability Coordinator (LDC). Many LDCs have resources and forms posted on their website to initiate a request. Please see the listing of Local Disability Coordinators to find your School’s contact person or office for this interactive process. 

Examples of reasonable accommodations for students include, but are not limited to: sign language interpreters; notetakers; materials in alternative formats (such as braille, different font size or digital format); and extension of time to complete a degree. Please note that while Harvard considers a student’s preference when assessing requests for necessary reasonable accommodations, at times Harvard may offer an alternative accommodation, so long as the alternative is effective.  

An accommodation is not reasonable if it would: lower or substantially modify academic requirements (e.g. a request to change the content of an exam, or a request to be exempt from assigned work); impose an undue administrative burden (e.g. reminders of deadlines); be provided by Harvard for personal use or study (e.g. hearing aids, personal care attendants, or tutors or coaches); or require a fundamental alteration of the nature of Harvard’s programs or activities. If a requested accommodation would fundamentally alter the nature of a Harvard program or activity, other accommodations will be considered to permit participation in the program or activity to the maximum extent possible. 

Student Accommodation Coordinator Resources

The LDC Portal is an internal resource network for use by Local Disability Coordinator staff.

For any questions, or to request access as an Accommodation Coordinator, please contact